We get many questions from customers on what our favorite plants to use in North Texas are. So many, we created our best plants video series. Today we want to discuss three popular plants that do not make our best plants list and why. Each year we get a lot of requests to install azaleas, […]
With our warmer weather, more people are working on their lawns to get them summer ready. In today’s landscape quick tip, Ken advises on proper tree pruning. This video is a must-watch to see an example of what to do and, more importantly, what not to do with your trees. If you are considering a […]
In today’s lawn health update, Ken gives a detailed update about what we’re seeing in our customer’s lawns this spring. As we say, the recipe for a healthy lawn is not complicated. We need sun, water, and food (fertilizer.) Things get tricky with our crazy North Texas weather, which can deliver cold weather one week […]
Our early spring color landscape quick tip was so popular that we added another favorite for North Texas. Fringe Flower, or Loropetalum, is another early blooming spring plant for our area with a lovely purple leaf and is quite hardy when it comes to North Texas cold snaps. If you’d like to learn more about […]
Ensuring your sprinkler system works properly is vital for a healthy lawn and landscape. If it is underperforming, you’re cheating your lawn out of the water it needs to thrive. A key component in an optimized sprinkler system is ensuring good sprinkler coverage. That means you need a minimum of two sprinkler heads for coverage […]
Ken shares two of our favorite plants in today’s landscape quick tip if you want early spring color in North Texas. Redbud Tree. One of the earliest bloomers of the year, a blooming Redbud Tree is a sign that spring is near. They are a great choice if you are looking for a tree comparable […]
In spring, your lawn and plants are coming out of dormancy from the winter and your soil needs consistent watering. One of the biggest mistakes you can make with your lawn’s overall health is to not water properly for the season. We recommend that you water in 10 minute bursts one day per week at […]