Landscape Spotlight: Mr. H’s Shade Solution

As I said in a recent quick tip, your lawn needs three things to be healthy. Sunwater, and food (fertilizer.) Mr. H unfortunately didn’t have enough sun in his backyard because of his large trees and came to us for a solution. Mr. H is a model customer in that he had very specific requests for this project.

Mr. H gave me his list which was:

  • Low maintenance and care
  • Limited entertaining for small groups (3-5) people
  • Patio, plants, beds and plants
  • Patio surface must provide safe walking surface and not be slippery
  • Natural style that fosters serenity.  Not modern styling
  • Increase the size of the patio
  • Designed around the fact that the main viewing area would be the kitchen nook window

As you can see in my video tour and the photos, Village Green delivered on Mr. H’s new landscape. From a stunning patterned concrete patio to the beautiful yet low maintenance landscape that does double duty screening his backyard from the neighbor’s roof and windows. Mr. H now has his serene outdoor space and Village Green has another satisfied landscape customer.

If you have a yard with a lot of shade and are sick of your bare spots, I would love the opportunity to discuss your options. I have a lot of examples I can share where we have solved shady lawn problems.

Village Green installs landscapes started at $2,500 up to $100,000 + and have been helping our North Texas neighbors create beautiful outdoor spaces since 1980.

We know we could help you create your very own sanctuary and we would love to earn your business. If you’d like to discuss your project we’re happy to answer your questions. All you have to do is call us at 972-495-6990 or email [email protected].