This is How Much You Should Be Watering This Winter
In winter, even though your lawn and plants are dormant, your soil still needs consistent watering to keep it healthy. One of the biggest mistakes

The Best Plant for Winter Landscape Color
If you are looking for color in your landscape during our North Texas winters, you need to watch this quick video, part of our Best

How to Use Arizona River Rock in your Landscape
In today’s landscape tip video, we explore Arizona River Rock. River rocks are stunning with their smooth surfaces and versatility, as they can be used

Tour Steve and Madelyn’s New Landscape
Steve initially called me because he and I served on a church committee together, but as often happens, he gave me Madelyn’s number because she’s

How to Protect Your Sprinkler System from Freeze Damage
With the winter blast heading our way, we’ve been getting a lot of phone calls from worried homeowners wondering what they should do to protect

How to Protect Your Plants and Lawn from Freeze Damage
North Texas weather always keeps us on our toes! Winter officially arrives Wednesday, and right on its heels will be a powerful cold front that

Should You Overseed Your Lawn with Winter Rye
In the fall, we get asked if it is a good idea to overseed a lawn with Winter Rye Grass. Overseeding is scalping a lawn

The Best Trees for Colorful Fall Foliage
Our North Texas trees are putting on a colorful display with peak fall foliage. If you are curious about what trees are the best choices

Do this in Fall and Winter for a Healthy Lawn in Spring
It is common in North Texas for homeowners to turn off their sprinkler systems in late fall and winter. Turning off your sprinkler system when

Important Update About Fall Brown Patch in Area Lawns
Brown Patch is a fungus that attacks St. Augustine and Zoysia lawns in the fall. To understand Brown Patch, you must consider that St. Augustine