Armyworm Sightings in North Texas: Is Your Lawn at Risk
We’re receiving reports of armyworms attacking some lawns in our area. This pest typically resurfaces every few summers, and it seems they’re back in North

From Summer Sprinklers to Spring Success: Your Lawn Care Guide
Today’s video might surprise you. While we’re in the midst of summer, it demonstrates a crucial point about proper lawn care that extends beyond the

Summer Weed Control: What You Need to Know Now
As we’re amid summer, we want to discuss the four main weeds we’re actively controlling this season: 1. Spurge 2. Dandelions 3. Nutsedge 4. Dallisgrass

Safeguard Your Lawn from Summer Threats
As summer heat intensifies in North Texas, many lawns show signs of drought stress. This is a serious concern for homeowners, as nearly every lawn

Summer is Here: Get Your Free Summer Lawn Watering Guide
Summer is the season when your soil loses the most water, which is why we recommend watering roughly an hour per week per zone in

Understanding Aedes Mosquitoes: Habitats and Control Methods
In today’s video, we’ll focus on the habitats of Aedes mosquitoes and the effective ways we control them. Aedes mosquitoes are the small, aggressive mosquitoes

Help! My Lawn Is Struggling – Soil Issue or Fungus
In today’s lawn health quick tip, Ken covers a couple of questions we often get: Do I have bad soil, or is there a fungal

Late Spring Lawn Health Update
Level Up Your Lawn: Late Spring Video Guide The wet spring in North Texas has been a double-edged sword for lawns. While the rain has

Mosquito 411: North Texas Species and Their Habitats
Buzz Off! A Guide of North Texas Mosquitoes In today’s mosquito control quick tip, Ken explains the different types of mosquitoes plaguing North Texas and

Fescue to the Rescue in Heavily Shaded Lawns
In today’s lawn health tip, Ken shares helpful information on the best option if you want grass but have heavy shade in your yard. Fescue