As the temperature gets closer and closer to the century mark, I get more and more questions about how to keep your lawn and landscape looking good in this Texas heat. Not to mention during Stage 3 water restrictions. First, you need to water for about sixty minutes in the summer. That can vary based […]
Village Green Landscape eTour (Red Pine) from Ken Hyatt on Vimeo. Ken Hyatt, Village Green founder and president, takes us on a personal tour of a recently completed landscape. More info:
Ken visits Mr. and Mrs. T’s home to check on a landscape project Village Green finished two weeks ago. Like many of Village Green’s projects, this customer had trouble growing grass under their oak trees because of the shade. Village Green replaced the Bermuda to St. Augustine, and created some beds under each tree. The […]
Village Green’s Tuesday Tip: When installing sod it is extremely important to water by hand versus with your sprinkler system after you get it placed. Your sprinkler system can keep it damp, but you need to drench it to insure a good start.
Today’s eTour takes us to Dallas, Texas where Ken inspects the progress on one of Village Green’s landscape projects that was completed about a year ago. Ken walks us through the many innovative solutions employed in this yard. Water features, rivers of stones, patio, and more.
Village Green Landscape e-Tour from Ken Hyatt on Vimeo. Ken Hyatt, the founder and owner of Village Green gives a quick e-Tour of a Plano, Texas landscape project. Ken likes to keep Village Green on the cutting edge, and armed with his smart phone, this e-Tour is an example of one of the many ways […]
Should I re-sod under my trees? This is a question I receive a lot in the spring. Over the years, I have heard countless people tell me they have spent thousands replacing the grass in the shady areas of their lawns, time after time – only to watch it disappear a year later. Because […]
It’s late winter and all your neighbors are trimming their crepe myrtles so I thought I’d share a quick tip on how to trim yours. Here it is…Don’t do it. Or if you really feel the need, do it gently. The best way to trim your crepe myrtles is to treat them like your large […]
Here’s a tour of our latest landscape installation in Plano [vimeo clip_id=”55639167″ title=”0″ byline=”0″ portrait=”0″ html5=”1″ width=”640″ height=”360″]
Here is your fall landscape to-do list… Apply Pre-Emergent – In bermuda lawns you’ll want to apply a pre-emergent to your lawn to prevent the winter weed seeds from germinating. Check your local nursery for a pre-emergent with an active ingredient of Simazine or Pendimethalin. St. Augustine doesn’t like herbicides – pre-emergents tend to stunt its […]