Is That a COCKROACH Running Across Your Floor? It’s big. It’s scary. And unfortunately, it’s a common pest in our area—the American Cockroach. To learn everything you never wanted to know about this creepy intruder, watch today’s video. Tired of Unwanted Guests in Your Home? Village Green now offers professional pest control services with two […]
Did you know? Rats are nearly blind and rely on their whiskers to navigate, following walls as their natural guides. That’s why strategic bait box placement is crucial for effective control. We also target other key areas rats frequent, like the condensation-rich zones around air conditioning units that serve as their water sources. For over […]
As temperatures drop in North Texas, roof rats actively seek warm spaces—including your home and garage. These unwanted guests frequently access properties through alleyways, particularly in Richardson and older North Texas neighborhoods with detached garages. These rodents can cause extensive damage: Chewing through car engine wiring, leading to costly repairs Damaging home insulation and electrical […]
As temperatures drop in North Texas, roof rats actively seek warm spaces—including your home and garage. These unwanted guests frequently access properties through alleyways, particularly in Richardson and older North Texas neighborhoods with detached garages. These rodents can cause extensive damage: • Chewing through car engine wiring, leading to costly repairs • Damaging home insulation […]