Why have a waterfall in Dallas landscapes?

If you have a Dallas landscape and have never even considered a waterfall, play this video and see if it changes your mind. It’s impossible to listen to this sound and not feel the stress of the day just melt away. This is a simple water feature with no open water, the stream drops onto river rock and splatters which not only makes a beautiful sound but it also give the birds a great place to bathe. Underneath the river rock is a very unglamorous paint bucket with lots of holes drilled into it that houses the pump. The paint bucket is surrounded by gravel so the water can fill into the bucket. When the water level drops from evaporating and splashing we have a float valve inside the bucket that is connected to the mainline of the sprinkler system that automatically tops off the bucket. Very simple, pretty much no maintenance and always the absolute favorite feature of any of our Dallas landscapes.

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