As you would imagine with a summer as dry and hot as 2022, we are seeing a lot of drought stress in area lawns. Regardless of the reason (sprinkler system issues or underwatering,) every person’s first question is if their lawn is dead. The short answer is no. Your lawn is not dead. It isn’t […]
With our recent heat and lack of significant rainfall, we see a lot of drought stress in area lawns. Drought stress is a severe problem in and of itself, but a far more significant and real threat to your lawn is chinch bugs which can cause considerable damage to St. Augustine lawns during our summer […]
In this video, Ken shares an update on what we’ve been seeing in our lawn health customer’s lawns this summer. As you might imagine, we see a lot of drought stress in area lawns. We have received many calls from people wondering what is wrong with their yard and reports of other service providers saying […]
Summer officially arrives in North Texas on June 21st which means it is time to get your sprinkler system ready for summer watering. In summer, your soil loses the most water, and we recommend watering roughly an hour per week per zone in full sun. We recommend that you water in ten-minute bursts two days […]
The recipe for a healthy lawn is pretty basic. The ingredients are sun, water, and food (fertilizer.) Where things get tricky is with our weather in North Texas. Founded in 1980, Village Green has been through many summer seasons in North Texas. And what we’ve learned over the years is it is imperative to make […]
As we head into late spring and early summer, we get a lot of calls from frustrated homeowners who cannot grow grass in certain parts of their lawn. The issue is almost always the result of too much shade. The grass isn’t that hard to grow if you have the three vital components. Sun, water, […]
Even though it might not seem like it, we had a pretty severe winter in our area. That, coupled with a cool spring and the quick warm-up we’ve had the past few weeks, we are seeing some lawns struggling (this is especially true of St. Augustine, a tropical plant that doesn’t like a hard winter.) […]
In this quick video Ken gives an update on what we’re seeing in lawns in North Texas. If you aren’t currently using Village Green for your lawn’s health, we would love to earn you business. Founded in 1980, we are a family-owned and operated lawn and landscape company. Call 972-495-6990 or email [email protected].