The first day of fall 2021 is September 22 so now is the time to get your sprinkler ready for fall watering. In fall, your soil loses about ½ the water it loses in the summer, so the simplest solution is to water one day per week versus the two you water in the summer. […]
How much should you be watering your lawn this summer is a question I get asked a lot. The short answer is roughly an hour per week per zone, assuming you are using a standard sprinkler spray head (you can download our free summer watering guide here.) Where do I get that number? Imagine placing […]
Summer is the season your soil loses the most water, and why we recommend watering roughly an hour per week per zone in full sun. We recommend that you water in ten-minute bursts two days per week at 2 a.m, 4 a.m., and 6 a.m. during the summer. Download 2021 Summer Watering Guide The reason […]
In spring, your lawn and plants are coming out of dormancy from the winter and your soil needs regular watering. One of the biggest mistakes you can make with your lawn health is to not water properly for the season. In spring, we recommend you water in ten-minute bursts one day per week at 2 […]
Assuming you are on a good fertilization and weed control plan, you will apply pre-emergent during the winter months in North Texas. For this preventative to work, it is vital that you properly water your lawn within two weeks of the application. At Village Green, we typically spray a liquid pre-emergent, which comes out in […]
More and more of our customers are using the Rachio Smart Sprinkler Controller. In this in-depth video Ken takes you through the steps to program your Rachio Smart Sprinkler Controller for North Texas. If you have a lawn or landscape problem you need help with give Village Green a call at 972-495-6990 or email us […]
Now is the time to program your sprinkler controller for summer watering to make sure your lawn and landscape are getting adequate water coverage. How much should you water in the summer? The starting point for our watering plan is summer because that is the season your soil loses the most water. During summer we […]