How to Protect Your Lawn from Chinch Bug Damage

With our recent heat and lack of significant rainfall, we see a lot of drought stress in area lawns.

Drought stress is a severe problem in and of itself, but a far more significant and real threat to your lawn is chinch bugs which can cause considerable damage to St. Augustine lawns during our summer months (and they are easy to miss.)

Chinch bugs typically start near concrete, and their damage at first appears to be a dry spot in your lawn (which is easy to miss during a hot, dry summer like we are currently experiencing.)

If left untreated, this dry spot will spread, and your lawn will be in bad shape before you know it.

The good news is that chinch bugs are easy to control if you know you have a problem, and, in this video, we’ll show you everything you need to know to keep your lawn healthy.

Chinch bugs are easy to control once spotted, and in this video, I’ll tell you what we recommend.

If you have a lawn health problem, give us a call at 972-495-6990 or email [email protected] for more information. With 40+ years of experience in North Texas and hundreds of satisfied customers, we know we can help with your lawn and landscape needs.