With our recent heat and lack of significant rainfall, we see a lot of drought stress in area lawns. Drought stress is a severe problem in and of itself, but a far more significant and real threat to your lawn is chinch bugs which can cause considerable damage to St. Augustine lawns during our summer […]
In this video, Ken shares an update on what we’ve been seeing in our lawn health customer’s lawns this summer. As you might imagine, we see a lot of drought stress in area lawns. We have received many calls from people wondering what is wrong with their yard and reports of other service providers saying […]
The recipe for a healthy lawn is pretty basic. The ingredients are sun, water, and food (fertilizer.) Where things get tricky is with our weather in North Texas. Founded in 1980, Village Green has been through many summer seasons in North Texas. And what we’ve learned over the years is it is imperative to make […]