It’s Spring. Why Isn’t Your Lawn Greening Up Yet?

We’ve had a cool spring in North Texas, and the soil temperature hasn’t warmed up enough for our lawns to come out of dormancy. As we head into mid-March, we’re getting questions about dormant lawns. People are concerned something went wrong with their lawn’s health.

Now that it is officially spring, we should start seeing consistently warmer weather in our area, and our lawns will start greening up in North Texas. Ultimately that is up to Mother Nature, though, and sometimes it can take until mid-to-late April or even early May.

The recipe for a healthy lawn is sun, water, and food (fertilizer.) We should add ‘warm’ sun to the list during a cool spring. We are in Texas, though, and we’re confident that warmer weather will be here sooner than we would like! And no matter how great our lawn health plan is, fertilizer won’t fully work until Mother Nature does her part and gives us consistently warmer weather to increase our soil temperatures.

If you aren’t currently using Village Green for your lawn’s health, we would love to earn you business. Founded in 1980, we are a family-owned and operated lawn and landscape company. Call 972-495-6990 or email [email protected] for more information.