Meet the Team: Haley Pitts

Founded in 1980 by Ken Hyatt, Village Green is a family owned business that specializes in lawn care, landscaping, fertilization and weed control, sprinkler repair, and mosquito control. During the Holiday Season we also professionally install lights for both business and residential customers.  

Ken has always felt that the people behind Village Green are as important as the company itself.  With that in mind he asked the team to answer a few questions in order for our customers to get to know more about the Village Green employees who serve them. 


Please describe what you do at Village Green.  

I am a service assistant at Village Green Lawn and Landscaping based in Garland, TX. I do a variety of odd jobs behind the scenes to make things run smoother.

How long have you worked at Village Green?  
Two years.


What would people be surprised to learn about you?  
That I love to watch ESPN Sportscenter and do so on a regular basis. I am also a champion ping pong player and won a double’s tournament last year.
What some of your favorite things?  
My favorite meal is cheeseburgers and fries. I love chocolate. And I like hanging out with little kids.
Where did you grow up?  
Plano, Texas.
What is your favorite TV show?  
Castle and Bones.
Fill in the blanks.  I can’t live without faith, friends, and family
If you could have a dinner party and invite any four people, dead or alive, the guest list would be?  
Jesus, Martin Luther King Jr, Apostle Paul, and John Wesley.
If you were a superhero would you be?  
Iron Man