We have compiled a list of the most commonly asked questions regarding the Village Green fertilization and weed control plan. How much does it cost? Small Lawn = $55 to $65 plus tax per visit. Medium Lawn = $65 to $85 plus tax per visit (medium is the average size for most customers.) Large Lawn […]
We’ve never understood why the name pansy got associated with wimpy when they’re the toughest flower we’ve ever seen. Pansies can weather single digit temperatures and wintry precipitation one day and bounce back and start blooming a few sunny days later. They are truly a hardy little flower and should be your go-to flower in […]
The North Texas Municipal Water District have initiated Stage 3 seasonal watering of the NTMWD Water Conservation and Drought Contingency and Water Emergency Response Plan, which goes into effect November 1, 2014. You can read their full release here. You should verify your specific watering day schedule with your city or appropriate water provider. You […]
We are officially in the fall season. The temperatures have come down to a more pleasant level and that means that your lawn no longer needs as heavy a watering schedule as it did through the summer (don’t forget to adjust your automatic sprinklers.) You shouldn’t be watering the same amount as you did during […]
Over the past couple of weeks we’ve seen an increase in calls regarding lawn and landscape damage caused by armadillos. Namely how can our customers stop armadillos from digging up their lawns? The armadillo is an unusual creature. They’ve been around forever, and are in a family that is similar to anteaters. They thrive in warm […]
Just the other day I got this email from a customer: “I am unable to grow grass on the heavily-shaded west side of my house. I have tried seeding and St. Augustine sod. Nothing has worked and now I have mostly dirt. Any suggestions?” I wish I had a quarter for every time I’ve been […]
Your North Texas lawn needs three things to thrive: sun, water, and food. If you are doing everything right, yet your lawn looks like it has drought damage, fungal disease or iron deficiency, you may have chinch bugs. These guys are bad news. In fact, I’ve seen chinch bugs cause more lawn damage than any other […]
As the temperature gets closer and closer to the century mark, I get more and more questions about how to keep your lawn and landscape looking good in this Texas heat. Not to mention during Stage 3 water restrictions. First, you need to water for about sixty minutes per week in the summer. That can […]
The past few weeks I’ve spent most of my time visiting lawn after lawn and talking with customers about what’s wrong with their grass. In North Texas, we had one of the coldest winters on record, and it did a LOT of damage to St. Augustine. What a lot of people don’t realize is that […]
What better day, than Earth Day, to publish our final installment on our three part series on the secrets to a healthy lawn? As we’ve said, a North Texas lawn needs three things to thrive: sun, water, and food. If you want to read our first two installments follow these links. Secrets to a Healthy […]