With our warmer weather, more people are working on their lawns to get them summer ready. In today’s landscape quick tip, Ken advises on proper tree pruning. This video is a must-watch to see an example of what to do and, more importantly, what not to do with your trees. If you are considering a […]
One of my constants is a lawn needs three things: water, food, and sun. If it has all three it will grow on concrete (not forever, but if it didn’t we wouldn’t need edgers). If you’re missing one of those three things the lawn won’t get any better no matter what you do. Today I want […]
The secret to a healthy lawn in North Texas is comprised of three things: water, food, and sun. Today I want to focus on the last one, sun which, depending on how much your lawn gets in a typical day, can be a blessing or a curse. Trees. Nearly everyone loves and wants them on […]
Fall is here and so are the leaves! One of the questions we get during this time of year is what should our customers do with all their leaves? If they are in your beds we recommend you leave them alone. They eventually break down into the soil, providing great organic material for the roots […]
Village Green Landscape eTour (Red Pine) from Ken Hyatt on Vimeo. Ken Hyatt, Village Green founder and president, takes us on a personal tour of a recently completed landscape. More info: villagegreen-inc.com/landscape-design-dallas-plano-allen-frisco/