One of my constants is a lawn needs three things: water, food, and sun. If it has all three it will grow on concrete (not forever, but if it didn’t we wouldn’t need edgers). If you’re missing one of those three things the lawn won’t get any better no matter what you do. Today I want to discuss water, or more importantly how you can tell if your lawn problem is water related.
If your lawn developed brown spots last summer, I’d venture to guess that your problem is water related. Most of the lawn issues we see in July and August aren’t insect related which often get the blame for brown spots. They are almost always water related. These brown spots are generally caused by one of three things: not enough water, poor coverage or, less frequently, a rock a few inches below the surface of the soil.
If most of your lawn looked good until June, got worse as summer progressed, and then started looking better into fall, you’re probably not watering long enough (I’ll include a link to our free watering guide at the end of this post.)
If your brown spots are limited to a few smaller spots that appear every year in the same area, you more than likely have sprinkler system coverage issues. Keep in mind that just because the brown spot is getting wet when the sprinkler is running doesn’t necessarily mean it is getting adequate coverage. All sprinkler systems have weak spots in them, with reasons ranging from the heads being spaced a little too far apart, to a head that isn’t working 100% right. The thing is that Mother Nature will cover most of these issues until June, and then it’s up to your sprinkler system. If it’s not performing right, that’s when you are going to see the proof in a less than perfect lawn with unsightly brown spots that won’t perk up until fall (for North Texas it usually happens around State Fair time.)
The reason I’m talking about watering problems, which is a summertime issue, in early spring is simple. Like Benjamin Franklin said, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” If you take the steps to make sure your sprinkler is working properly now, you’ll never have the problem when summer rolls around. If you wait until you see the symptoms, you will be able to fix it, but you’ll have to be patient and more than likely wait until fall to see the results because of our summer heat and ongoing water restrictions.
If you’d like to make sure your sprinkler is performing at optimum levels take advantage of our Village Green Spring Sprinkler Tune-Up Special for $59. This offer is valid for up to 10 zones and includes setting your controller, checking for line leaks, dry areas, and broken sprinkler heads; cleaning and adjusting clogged nozzles and is valid thru March 31st. Call 972-495-6990, email me at [email protected] or fill out our contact form for more information.
Resources (click the links below.)
Village Green Watering Guide
Village Green Resource Center (has helpful links to water resource and schedules for the cities Village Green serve)