In fall, your soil loses about ½ the water it loses in the summer, so the easiest thing to do is to set the controller to only one day per week with three 10-minute bursts. We recommend that you water in ten-minute bursts one day per week at 2 am, 4 am, and 6 am […]
Assuming you are on a good fertilization and weed control plan, you will apply pre-emergent during the winter months in North Texas. For this preventative to work, it is vital that you properly water your lawn within two weeks of the application. At Village Green, we typically spray a liquid pre-emergent, which comes out in […]
In winter, even though your lawn and plants are dormant, your soil still needs consistent watering to keep it healthy. One of the biggest mistakes you can make with your lawn health is to turn your sprinkler system off during our winter months. This means in winter, we recommend you water one ten-minute burst one […]
As the temperature gets closer and closer to the century mark, I get more and more questions about how to keep your lawn and landscape looking good in this Texas heat. Not to mention during Stage 3 water restrictions. First, you need to water for about sixty minutes per week in the summer. That can […]
The past few weeks I’ve spent most of my time visiting lawn after lawn and talking with customers about what’s wrong with their grass. In North Texas, we had one of the coldest winters on record, and it did a LOT of damage to St. Augustine. What a lot of people don’t realize is that […]
If you want to protect your landscape from freeze damage, don’t turn off your sprinkler system in the winter. Granted you don’t need to water as much as you would in the summer, but watering a small amount during winter will make sure your lawn and landscape are ready for the spring growing season and […]
An artic cold front pushing into our area later tonight promises to bring much colder temperatures and the possibility of sleet to parts of North Texas. Fortunately for us in the Metroplex, the temperature should remain above freezing. While these temps may be uncomfortable to us humans (and our pets,) they should not be a […]
Ken Hyatt, President and Founder of Village Green shows how you can tell if your lawn is showing the classic signs of drought stress. During late summer many yards in our area experience drought stress, which is usually sprinkler related. For more information on tuning up your sprinkler system visit: For information on […]