Greentalk Blog

Thank you for visiting our blog. The following posts are meant to give you valuable advice and information for your lawn.

Fairview Landscape Progress-March 25th

We have all the beds expanded.  Now we’re installing the steel edging and compost.  Notice how we rounded the sharp corner of the steel edging to avoid the dangerous sharp edge. We’re bringing in lots and lots of compost.  We only get one shot at amending the soil so we have to do it right […]
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St. Augustine showing freeze damage

It’s official.  St. Augustine is struggling to recover from freeze damage the second year in a row.  St. Augustine is a tropical plant, which means it doesn’t like 106 degrees or 9 degrees and in the past few months we’ve had both.  What’s worse for our tropical St. Augustine is we spent over 100 hours […]
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Pre-Emergents Do Work

Have you ever wondered if what you’re doing in your lawn is actually doing something?  Check out this photo between the great work that Ramon our lawn fertilization technician does and the neighbor.  He’s done a great job of keeping the neighbor’s winter weeds out of our client’s lawn.
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Flagstone Patio – Another great job done

We’re done and Mrs. V. loves it!  Notice how the flagstone ties the patio in with the landscape we installed last year?  Nothing compliments a natural landscape than the natural look of flagstone. How can you tell a great flagstone job from an ordinary one?  Look at the joints in between the stone.  Laying flagstone […]
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