I have to admit that I was shocked when I got the call from the Angie’s List Experts podcast asking me to be the guest expert on their popular series. If you aren’t familiar, the Angie’s List Experts podcast brings highly-rated service providers from Angie’s List together to answer questions and provide home owners with the best tips and advice for their next home improvement project.
My interview was for Episode 008, where I talked about spring lawn and landscaping tips for a beautiful yard. Personally I think I sound funny, but my friends and family tell me that’s how I actually sound! You can judge for yourself by listening to the episode on the Angie’s List website by clicking here. Or listen to it on iTunes by clicking here. Regardless of how I sound, there is a lot of great information from my 30+ years of lawn and landscaping in this 15 minute podcast.
If you have any questions regarding your lawn or landscape, please don’t hesitate to contact me at 972-495-6990 or [email protected]. I’d be happy to answer any of your questions. If you do listen to the podcast I’d love to hear what you think.
Ken Hyatt, Founder and President of Village Green