Many customers are asking me if I think this year’s mosquito season will be easier since we had such a hard winter. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but a hard freeze doesnt’ kill mosquitoes…at least enough of them to make a difference. Which is why the Dallas County Health and Human Services […]
In late winter and early spring you will often see many of your neighbors pruning their crepe myrtles. That’s actually an understatement. Most of your neighbors butcher their crepe myrtles, believing, wrongly, that cutting them back is the proper way to main this beautiful tree and promote extra blooms in the summer. Unfortunately this misinformation, what […]
Say drip and water in the same sentence and most people will think of something negative, like a leaky faucet. But when you are talking about a drip irrigation system, a drip is a great thing that can help expand your Stage 3 watering window. We’ll talk more about that in a moment, for now […]
I have to admit that I was shocked when I got the call from the Angie’s List Experts podcast asking me to be the guest expert on their popular series. If you aren’t familiar, the Angie’s List Experts podcast brings highly-rated service providers from Angie’s List together to answer questions and provide home owners with the best […]
One of my constants is a lawn needs three things: water, food, and sun. If it has all three it will grow on concrete (not forever, but if it didn’t we wouldn’t need edgers). If you’re missing one of those three things the lawn won’t get any better no matter what you do. Today I want […]
The secret to a healthy lawn in North Texas is comprised of three things: water, food, and sun. Today I want to focus on the last one, sun which, depending on how much your lawn gets in a typical day, can be a blessing or a curse. Trees. Nearly everyone loves and wants them on […]
If you want to protect your landscape from freeze damage, don’t turn off your sprinkler system in the winter. Granted you don’t need to water as much as you would in the summer, but watering a small amount during winter will make sure your lawn and landscape are ready for the spring growing season and […]
Does your lawn really need to be aerated? That’s a question we are asked a lot at Village Green, and to be honest, our answer has changed over the past few years for reasons that may surprise many people. Believe it or not we, a company that does aeration professionally, actually told our customers that […]
Village Green has earned the service industry’s coveted Angie’s List Super Service Award, for the third time in as many years, reflecting an exemplary year of service provided to members of the consumer review service in 2013. Village Green won the 2013 Super Service Award for the following categories: Pest Control/Exterminating (for our Mosquito Assassin […]
This holiday season gives us so many reasons to give thanks and count our blessings. I want to thank you, our fantastic customers, for your continued support. We would not be where we are today without your commitment and loyalty these past 33 years. In addition I want to say a special thanks to […]